True evolution comes from within, which is internal development, or self-cultivation, as it leads to wisdom. Experience, contemplate, be open, be willing to learn, and new horizons will open up.

  • The content discusses the impact of social conditioning on individuals and society. It highlights the pressure to conform and the potential negative effects on individual well-being. It emphasizes the need for a balance between conformity and individual growth, and the importance of flexible social conditioning to allow for natural development and contribution of diverse values…

  • The concepts of “intelligence, “knowledge” and “wisdom” have been circulating in the heart of humanity since the dawn of our civilizations. Even though we seem to have an intuitive understanding of these concepts, the matter of their importance rather remains outside of the general public’s awareness. Definition We are not going to approach this mechanically…

  • Human learning is not solely driven by an objective quest for truth. Instead, it’s shaped by evolutionary pressures, cognitive biases, and personal motivations, favoring information advantageous to survival or personal desires. The concepts of right and wrong are context-specific, serving to establish social order. A quest for pure knowledge and truth is a luxury emerging…

  • Conventionality is a common trait in human society, with conventional and unconventional individuals. While conventionality provides stability and safety, it can hinder creativity and lead to alienation of those who think differently. Understanding and evaluating unconventional ideas before making assumptions is crucial to avoid societal division and misconceptions, promoting mutual acceptance and innovation.

  • Philosophy is often misunderstood and seen as impractical, but it is rooted in everyday life. Philosophical thinking helps in making decisions and understanding the nature of things, leading to knowledge and wisdom. Engaging in philosophy involves seeking the big picture and applying knowledge to solve long-term problems. It is a tool for both character development…


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