True evolution comes from within, which is internal development, or self-cultivation, as it leads to wisdom. Experience, contemplate, be open, be willing to learn, and new horizons will open up.

  • The Truth about Fate

    The debate over fate versus free will has persisted for ages. Some believe we shape our destiny, while others argue that external forces predetermine our path. In reality, both coexist, each influencing our lives to varying degrees. Our innate traits and external circumstances set limitations, but we still have choices to shape our future.

  • The Jigsaw Puzzle

    Life is a complex interconnected system, where each individual is a piece of the puzzle. Enlightenment leads to understanding the oneness of existence. Rather than dividing and analyzing, we should strive to see the big picture and embrace diverse perspectives. With vision and empathy, we can transcend our limitations and find inner peace.

  • Learning is crucial for survival, as it helps us stay informed and manage our lives. The methods and focus of our learning determine the depth and breadth of our knowledge. To maximize learning potential, we must expand our attention coverage, make connections between different elements, and view the world from various angles to gain deeper…

  • The question of whether matter arose before consciousness or vice versa is a complex and has long been debated to no avail that it has no definitive answer. However, this piece of writing is not to answer whether matter or consciousness came first, but instead focuses on how consciousness can determine matter. To start, the…

  • “Knowledge is power”, “knowledge is treasure”, “knowledge can change lives”, etc. There are many views on knowledge, but most are positive. Is knowledge always good? The answer is… it depends. The line lies between knowing enough and knowing as much as possible. If you aim at obtaining sufficient knowledge to do a certain thing in…


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